New Regulation on Certification of Telecommunications Equipment Revealed by SDPPI in Indonesia 

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KOMINFO No. 3 Tahun 2024 on Telecommunications Equipment Certification was released by Indonesia’s Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya dan Perangkat Pos dan Informatika (SDPPI). 

The updates are as in the Regulation are as follows: 

  • Test reports from both domestic and international laboratories should not exceed a duration of 5 years when submitted for Type Approval of mobile phones, handheld computers, and tablet computers. 
  • Application cancellations can be utilized only once per calendar year and must occur before the payment of the Certificate Fee. 
  • All telecommunications equipment, including SRD, must incorporate compulsory labeling, consisting of   
    • Certificate Number and PLG ID;
    • QR Code; and
    • Warning Signs.


Implementation of SAR testing in Indonesia 

  • The General Directorate of Resources and Equipment for Post and Information Technology (SDPPI) has issued KOMINFO No. 177 of 2024, which addresses the enforcement of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) regulations for mobile phones and tablet computers. This regulation is the outcome of a public consultation held by the SDPPI in August 2023. 
  • Key points outlined in KOMINFO No. 177 of 2024 include:
    • SAR limitations have been implemented for mobile phones and tablet computers starting from 1st April 2024. Following the effective dates, all applications for mobile phones and tablet computers must adhere with the SAR limit regulations and supply local SAR test results. 
    • SAR restrictions for torso/body limbs will be applied from August 1, 2024. 
    • Local SAR test reports must be submitted to SDPPI within 14 calendar days of being provided by the test lab. 

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