CITC Publishes Public Consultation Document on Updating IoT Regulations

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On Apr 7th, the Communications, and Information Technology Commission (CITC) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) issued a Public Consultation Document on Updating the IoT Regulations.

The original IoT regulation was issued by CITC in September 2019 and the purpose of this public consultation request is to provide interested parties with the opportunity to submit their views and comments on the proposed revisions to the IoT regulations.

The IoT regulations (the regulation) sets out regulations specific to IoT technology, IoT connectivity, IoT devices, and IoT connectivity service providers in the Kingdom. All the requirements specific to IoT must be followed.

Some highlights from the Documents are:

  • IoT Devices must be approved by CITC and obtain a Certificate of Conformity before applying for Customs Clearance permission. 
  • IoT connectivity can be provided using licensed frequency bands (e.g. mobile, satellite) and using license-exempt frequency bands (WAN, LPWAN)

Participants who wish to submit their views/comments on this Public Consultation Document must submit them to CITC no later than May 19th, 2022.

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